15.42 mt
Barche a Vela
12 Posti letto
6 Cabine
4 (3+1) WC
Comfort package E, Axe, Bailer, Bilge liquid level high alarm, Bilge pump - electric, Bilge pump - manual, Binoculars, Cable cutters, Emergency tiller, Engine tool set and spare parts box, Fire extinguisher, First aid box, Floating smoke signal, Fog horn, Gas fog horn, Handbearing compass, Hand flares, Horseshoe w. rescue line, Horseshoe w. rescue line and floating lifebouy light, Lifejackets - adult, Liferaft, Matches and lighter (watertight), Radar reflector, Safety box, Safety harnesses - adults, Sea anchor, Signal rocket with parachute, Signals for avoiding colision, Tethers - adults, Thermal protective clothing, Torch, 220V shore power supply (30m), Adriatic Sailing flag, Baloon fender - aft, Chain for spare anchor (6m), Cockpit cushions, Croatian flag, Fenders, Gangway, Mooring ropes (12m), Mooring ropes (20m), Mooring ropes (50m), Outboard mount, Padlock for outboarder, Spare anchor, Brush for interior, Bucket, Container, Deck brush, Deck brush with long handle, Diesel canister (20l), Engine oil - spare (4l), Foot pump, Fuel mixture canister (5l), Funnel, Gas bottle, Leather gloves, Snorkeling equipment, Sponge, Water canister (20l), Water hose, Winch handle - long, Winch handle - short, Windlass handle, Barometer, Derusting spray, Dinghy repair kit, Mobile phone, Mobile phone charger 12V, Mobile phone charger 220V, Spare batteries, Thermo + Hygrometer, Coast lights guide, Nautical charts, Nautical dictionary - 6 languages, Navigation set, Pilot book, Radio service book, Yacht manual, Boom vang, Furling Genoa, Furling mainsail, Bimini top, Sprayhood, 3 data, Autopilot, Compass, GPS Chart plotter, Wind instrument, Steering wheel, Bow thruster, DSC station, VHF station, Fans, Radio CD player, Heating system, Anchor and chain, Dinghy, Electrical windlass, Outboard engine, Aft shower, Bathing platform and ladders, Cooling box, Gas cooker with oven, Refrigerator, Sink (C/W water), 12V plug, 220V plug, Battery charger, Engine battery, Service battery, Engine hour meter, Fresh water level instrument, Fuel level instrument, Voltmeter
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