14.27 mt
Barche a Vela
10 Posti letto
4 Cabine
3 WC
220V Shore connection, 2 gas bottles, Autopilot, Battery charger, Bed linen, Bimini Top, Bow thruster, CD player + usb, Chain, Cockipt loudspeakers, Cockpit cushions, Cockpit shower, Cockpit Table, Depth instrument, Dinghy, Divider+plotter, Electric Anchor Windlass, Electric refrigerator, Emergency tiller , Engine spare parts, Fenders, First aid kit, Furling main sail, Gangway, Gas oven, GPS chartplotter , Hand bearing compass, Harbour guides, Horse shue buoy+light, Hot water, Life belts , Life jackets, Life raft, Life raft and safety equipment, Log/speed instrument , Main anchor + chain, Main compass, Mooring ropes, Navigation charts, Rockets and torches , Roll genoa DECK, Second anchor + rope , Set of tools, Sprayhood, Steering Wheel, Stern Shower, Torch light, VHF-FM system, Wi-Fi 2 GB, Windex, Wind instrument
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